Most times a collector will commission a painting, and approve the result with ease and happiness. With Karla, it didn't quite go as easily as planned. Karla found me by doing a search online. After reviewing hundreds of websites, she came across my work and fell in love with one of my paintings on my website. So she called me up and commissioned a similar piece. I didn't realize at the time, just how similar she wanted it! Paintings always come out differently, with no two being alike. That is what makes them an original. I completed the commission, and in my mind created a much better painting with this second version. When I emailed Karla a picture of the finished piece, I thought she would jump for joy and call me within seconds to give me the okay to ship! I was wrong. I called her up, and found her crying--but not with tears of joy, but with sobs of intense disappointment! It was awful. She didn't know where to even begin with all the changes she wanted made. I told her I would paint her up another one, more similar to the first one--and that it would be okay! I've never had a client react like that before, and I wasn't quite sure what to say. So it looks like I'll be painting up a new 60 x 36 "Tuscan Meadow III". We'll see if I can make her happy. I'm leaving tomorrow for Scottsdale, so it'll have to be the first painting I do at the show.

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